

About Us


Fasting is a trendy concept these days. But it’s much more than a quick health hack to me. It’s a transformative way of life. 

I’m a former athlete, and a professional sports and nutrition coach, who lived for more than 10 years in South East Asia. I have basically spent my life exploring the amazing power of the human body. My goal is to keep on running happily and pain-free for as long as possible!

Fasting helps me regain vitality, reconnect with joy, honor my body and protect it in the long term. It actually makes me feel truly alive, with a deep sense of inner calm and connection to myself and the world. 

I have created Bodhi Tree to share this feeling. I have always had a holistic approach to my clients, and accompanying them today in an even deeper way seems like a natural evolution. 

I’m using my experience and expertise gained through my learnings, my travels, my professional and personal life… to help people feel good and unlock the amazing power of their body in a safe and meaningful way. 

Everyone deserves to feel alive. Why not you? 

  • Fasting monitoring certified by « Institut de Naturopathie de Paris ».
  • Sport Coach specialized on Triathlon, Running and Swimming.