

Fasting consists in suppressing all food intake for a period of time ranging from a dozen of hours to twelve days or so. In the usual practice of fasting, drinking water daily is recommended. This type of fasting is called water fasting. 

During fasting, the body feeds on its own cells: this is the principle of cellular AUTOLYSIS. 

The destruction of cells -called LYSIS- happens on superfluous, diseased, or sometimes dangerous tissues. Through this process, the stocks of fat in excess will be eroded long before the body turns to its muscles, and excessive or dangerous growths (like cysts, polyps, fibroids, tumors…) that appear during life can be destroyed. That’s why some people compare fasting to SURGERY WITHOUT A SCALPEL.  

However, vital organs such as the brain, nervous tissue, glands, heart… are not affected by the lysis. Fasting is a process of selective self-cleansing of the body.


Why Fasting

Free from digesting, which uses up to 30% of its energy each day, the body can finally rest!
Without external inputs and pollution, it draws on its own cells to feed itself. The result is an elimination of excess and waste, with an organic renewal. And a restored vitality. 

Main benefits of fasting:

  • Cells regeneration.
  • Rebalancing of the intestinal flora.
  • Strengthening of the immune system.
  • Up to 40% of reduction of fat mass.
  • Elimination of toxins and excess salt.
  • Reduced health disorders.

Above all, fasting is an opportunity to change how we treat our body in the long term. To team up with it to get a healthier life. To learn how to respect it, feed it properly, take care of it… And to trust its power.


Will I get hungry

Wondering about hunger before fasting is quite common and totally normal. Because since the beginning of time, food = survival. So not eating naturally feels threatening. 

But hunger is actually not a real issue during a fast. As we know, when fasting, the body feeds itself on its own cells. So the body per se never starves. 

And fasting doesn’t start overnight. There’s a progressive diminution of the food intake before the fast. Eating less and less trains the physical body, but also the mind which is often the one asking to be fed out of boredom, habit, stress…, to stop eating. 

Following the steps before, during and after the fast will allow the body to proceed smoothly with its “self-cleaning” journey. Only a prolonged phase of rest, be it physical, digestive or spiritual, can trigger this process. A necessity we don’t often.


Why exercising during fasting

Exercise helps the body in its self-cleaning process. We are not talking here about an intensive sports practice, exhausting for the body, but a gentle one. Walking, practicing yoga, stretching, lightweight training… All these activities put the body in motion. And movement helps the wastes from fasting, released from the organs at work (liver, intestines, lungs, kidneys, skin…),  circulate towards the exit doors (emunctories). 

Practicing outside is a plus because connecting to nature is soothing for the body and the mind.


What if I'm bored

There is no need for you to set your alarm clock during your retreat. Your body needs -and deserves- a full rest during fasting and to finally be allowed to follow its biological rhythm. And believe me, time is experienced differently when you fast. 

Each stay is organized to respect everyone involved: your body, your self, myself, and the other participants. Every activity offered is optional. 

So the day starts when you are ready with some gentle muscle awakening: stretching, heart coherence, or some yoga… 

After the morning catch-up and a fresh homemade organic juice (from the extractor), we usually go for a late morning walk for a couple of hours nearby the center. Beach, rice fields… or the French countryside, depending on your location obviously. Immersing in nature is an important part of the journey. 

In the afternoon, enjoy your free time. You can opt for a la carte activities*: massages, private yoga sessions, private strength sessions, swimming (?), esthetical treatment…  (*appointments required, additional fees apply), or simply rest. Relax, read, nap… It is up to you! Listen to your body and do what you need and what you want. 

With a refreshed mind, it is time to dive with us into some bite-sized interacting theory on fasting. How does it work? What are the benefits? How to adapt your menus in the future? How to exit fasting? Every conference is an opportunity for questions and very hands-on information. 

The day ends with a homemade organic vegetable broth and a good night’s sleep.


Who can Fast

Fasting is trendy these days, but committing to a fast has to be a very personal decision. You should be clear about why you want to fast, and I can help you with that. I am available at any time to clarify your intentions and to assess your readiness to fast. 

You are about to reset and start a « new way of life ». It may seem scary or difficult, but with the right coach and environment, it is not! It’s a challenging but rewarding experience, which makes you responsible for your health and aware of your body’s capabilities. The human body is truly powerful, and you have such a treasure within you…  

Feel free to fill out the form below regarding your health, so we can assess if a fast is possible and how to accompany you.

Please note that the practice of fasting is indicated for people in good general health. It is contraindicated for minors, pregnant women, people with eating disorders or specific pathologies, especially liver or kidney failure.